DIN Standards Committee Services
DIN EN ISO 18295-1
Customer contact centres - Part 1: Requirements for customer contact centres (ISO 18295-1:2017); German version EN ISO 18295-1:2017
Kundenkontaktzentren - Teil 1: Anforderungen an Kundenkontaktzentren (ISO 18295-1:2017); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 18295-1:2017
Service standards are an important element of service management excellence; they help clarify expectations for clients and employees, enable performance management, and support client and customer satisfaction. ISO 18295-1 specifies requirements and gives guidance for in-house (captive) contact centres and outsourced contact centres (third party providers). It is intended to be used for any customer interaction with a customer contact centre (CCC). Implementation of this document and ISO 18295-2 can create value for the customer, the client, the employee and the CCC, improving the robustness and efficiency of the service and the client/CCC relationship, therefore enabling the CCC to deliver a higher level of customer experience on behalf of the client. ISO 18295-1 specifies service requirements for customer contact centres (CCC). It specifies a framework for any CCC that aims to assist in providing clients and customers with services that continuously and proactively meet or exceed their needs. ISO 18295-1 is applicable to both in-house (captive) and outsourced (third party operator) CCCs of all sizes, across all sectors and all interaction channels, including inbound and outbound. It specifies performance metrics (KPIs) as and where required. This document (EN ISO 18295-1:2017) has been prepared by ISO/PC 273 "Customer contact centres" in collaboration with CEN/SS A99 "Services - Undetermined", the secretariat of which is held by the CCMC. The responsible German committee is NA 159-01-06 AA "Customer Contact Center" at DIN Standards Committee Services (NADL).
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 159-01-06 AA - Customer Contact Centres