DIN Standards Committee Dentistry
DIN EN ISO 19490
Dentistry - Sinus membrane elevator (ISO 19490:2017); German version EN ISO 19490:2017
Zahnheilkunde - Sinusmembranelevator (ISO 19490:2017); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 19490:2017
The implantation of dental implants is becoming more and more common because it is a safe procedure. However, it may be that there is not enough jawbone. This standard specifies requirements and their test methods for sinus membrane elevators used during the placement of dental implants for sinus floor lifting. It also specifies the requirements for their marking and labelling. This standard has been prepared by ISO/TC 106/SC 4/WG 13 "Implant instruments" (secretariat: DIN) in collaboration with CEN/TC 55 "Dentistry" (secretariat: DIN). Working Group NA 014-00-21-02 AK "Instrumente für die dentale Implantologie" ("Instruments for dental implantology" of Working Committee NA 014-00-21 AA "Dentalimplantate" ("Dental implants") at DIN Standards Committee Dentistry (NADENT) is responsible.
Responsible national committee
NA 014-00-21-02 AK - Instruments for dental implantology