NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering


National Annex – Nationally determined parameters – CEN/TS 19102


This Technical Specification applies to the design, analysis and execution of buildings and structural works,made of structural membrane material. It provides guidance for the design of membrane structures, either mechanically or pneumatically tensioned at a defined prestress level. NOTE 1: Membrane materials comprise structural fabrics, coated structural fabrics and foils. NOTE 2: Elements of tensile surface structures not governed by this Technical Specification (made of steel, aluminium, wood or other structural materials) will be designed according to their respective Eurocode parts. (2) This Technical Specification is only concerned with the requirements for resistance, serviceability and durability of tensioned membrane structures, as given in EN 1990. NOTE: The safety criteria follow EN 1990 and will consider specific limit states for tensioned membrane structures. (3) Design and verification in this Technical Specification are based on limit state design in conjunction with the partial factor method. NOTE: Special attention goes to the action of prestress, snow and wind action on membrane structures and the combined effect of wind and rain or snow. (4) This Technical Specification covers analysis methodologies appropriate for tensioned membrane structures, from analytical to full numerical simulation methods. (5) This Technical Specification considers connections between membrane materials and connections between membrane materials and others. (6) This Technical Specification is also applicable for hybrid membrane structures integrating different kinds of load bearing behaviour (tension, compression, bending, inflation…), in a way that the structural membrane shares loadbearing capacity with other structural elements made of different materials. NOTE: The term ‘hybrid structure' refers to this combined structural behaviour or use of materials.



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M. Eng.

Bettina Müller

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2541
Fax: +49 30 2601-42541

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