NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN ISO 17892-1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 18301 2023-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Drilling works More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 24283-1 2022-10 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Qualification criteria and assessment - Part 1: Qualified technician and qualified operator (ISO/TS 24283-1:2022); German version CEN ISO/TS 24283-1:2022 More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 24283-2 2022-10 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Qualification criteria and assessment - Part 2: Responsible expert (ISO/TS 24283-2:2022); German version CEN ISO/TS 24283-2:2022 More 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 24283-3 2022-10 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Qualification criteria and assessment - Part 3: Qualified enterprise (ISO/TS 24283-3:2022); German version CEN ISO/TS 24283-3:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 17892-12 2022-08 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 12: Determination of liquid and plastic limits (ISO 17892-12:2018 + Amd 1:2021 + Amd 2:2022); German version EN ISO 17892-12:2018 + A1:2021 + A2:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 19901-8 2024-01 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy - Offshore structures - Part 8: Marine soil investigations (ISO 19901-8:2023); English version EN ISO 19901-8:2023 More 
FGSV 591/B 11.1 2024 Technische Prüfvorschriften für Boden und Fels im Straßenbau (TP BF-StB) - Teil B 11.1: Eignungsprüfung bei Bodenbehandlungen mit Bindemitteln More 
FGSV 597 ; TL BuB E-StB:2023 2023 Technische Lieferbedingungen für Bodenmaterialien und Baustoffe für den Erdbau im Straßenbau (TL BuB E-StB 20/23) More 
RAL-GZ 507 2023-04 Flüssigboden - Gütesicherung More