NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN ISO 19111 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
GeoRefDatenGTRLBek 2021-05-04 Bekanntmachung der Neufassung der Technischen Richtlinie zum Bundesgeoreferenzdatengesetz (Technische Richtlinie Bundesgeoreferenzdatengesetz - TR BGeoRG) More 
DIN EN ISO 19116/A1 2021-09 Geographic information - Positioning services - Amendment 1 (ISO 19116:2019/Amd 1:2021); English version EN ISO 19116:2019/A1:2021 More 
DIN EN ISO 19123-1 2024-02 Geographic information - Schema for coverage geometry and functions - Part 1: Fundamentals (ISO 19123-1:2023); English version EN ISO 19123-1:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 19123-3 2024-02 Geographic information - Schema for coverage geometry and functions - Part 3: Processing fundamentals (ISO 19123-3:2023, Corrected version 2023-11); English version EN ISO 19123-3:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 19131 2023-04 Geographic information - Data product specifications (ISO 19131:2022); English version EN ISO 19131:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 19148 2021-07 Geographic information - Linear referencing (ISO 19148:2021); English version EN ISO 19148:2021 More 
DIN EN ISO 19152-3 2024-10 Geographic information - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) - Part 3: Marine georegulation (ISO 19152-3:2024); English version EN ISO 19152-3:2024 More 
DIN EN ISO 19168-2 2023-01 Geographic information - Geospatial API for features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference (ISO 19168-2:2022); English version EN ISO 19168-2:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 19901-10 2022-05 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 10: Marine geophysical investigations (ISO 19901-10:2021); English version EN ISO 19901-10:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 6709 2023-01 Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates (ISO 6709:2022); English version EN ISO 6709:2022 More