NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN 4102-17 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
BauORAnfBek 2024-01 Bauaufsichtliche Anforderungen, Zuordnung der Klassen, Verwendung von Bauprodukten, Anwendung von Bauarten More 
MHolzBauRL 2020-10 Muster-Richtlinie über brandschutztechnische Anforderungen an Bauteile und Außenwandbekleidungen in Holzbauweise (MHolzBauRL); Fassung Oktober 2020 More 
MTBauBestVV 2024-08-28 Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB); Ausgabe 2024/1 More 
AGFW FW 509 2020-11 Requirements for district heating-house substations in heating water systems More 
DIN SPEC 91440 2020-12 Roof sealings for precast concrete garages as in DIN EN 13978-1 More 
DIN 18234-1 2018-05 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 1: Roof areas without openings - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 18234-2 2018-05 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 2: List of roofs, which fulfil the requirements of DIN 18234-1 without further provision of evidence - Roof areas More 
DIN 18234-3 2018-05 Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 3: Roof penetrations and roof edges - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 18340 2023-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Dry lining and partitioning works More 
DIN 25425-3 2019-12 Radionuclide laboratories - Part 3: Rules for preventive fire protection More