NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 14094-2
Firefighting and fire protection - Escape ladder installations - Part 2: Rescue ways on flat and inclined roofs

Title (German)

Feuerwehrwesen - Notleiteranlagen - Teil 2: Rettungswege auf flachen und geneigten Dächern


The standard contains requirements for escape routes on roofs via which people who are capable of self-rescue can rescue themselves or be rescued in the event of danger. For the purposes of this standard, people who are both mentally and physically capable of using an escape ladder installation in accordance with this standard in a self-determined manner are considered to be self-rescuing. However, the standard does not regulate the cases in which escape routes are to be installed on roofs, but merely specifies the design. The standard also does not apply to traffic ways or accesses that are used exclusively for inspection and maintenance purposes. The specifications are limited to necessary requirements, as these escape routes are not traffic ways and are only used in exceptional cases as an emergency solution. Requirements for the railings of the escape routes deviate from the requirements of the building regulations, as improper use cannot be assumed due to the difficult access to the escape routes (for example via the roof window parapet). Depending on their inclination, fixed installations are classified as follows - inclination ≤ 5°: rescue landings; - inclination ≤ 10°: catwalks; - inclination > 10° to ≤ 55°: emergency stairs; - inclination > 55° to ≤ 75°: emergency stepladders; - inclination > 75°: emergency stepladders according to DIN 14094 1. The May 2007 edition of DIN 14094-2 has been revised to bring the content of the standard up to date, in particular: - dimensions and requirements have been revised; - application limited to people capable of self-rescue; - the vertical load on the catwalk and emergency stairway has been increased to 4 kN/square meter for stability; - marking has been revised; - periodic inspections have been removed as a separate clause (now mentioned in the installation and operating instructions) - the installation and operating instructions have therefore been completely revised; - normative references and bibliography have been updated. The standard has been prepared following preparatory work by Working Group NA 031-04-02-05 AK "Notleiteranlagen DIN 14094" ("Escape ladder installations DIN 14094") of Working Committee NA 031-04-02 AA "Bauliche Anlagen und Einrichtungen" ("Constructional facilities and equipment") at DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection (FNFW).

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 031-04-02 AA - Constructional facilities and equipment  

Edition 2017-04
Original language German
Price from 72.60 €
Table of contents



Michael Behrens

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2340
Fax: +49 30 2601-42340

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