NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 1366-10
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 10: Smoke control dampers; German version EN 1366-10:2011+A1:2017

Title (German)

Feuerwiderstandsprüfungen für Installationen - Teil 10: Entrauchungsklappen; Deutsche Fassung EN 1366-10:2011+A1:2017


EN 1366-10 specifies test methods for smoke control dampers to assess their performance at elevated temperatures or under fire conditions. It should be noted that it may be required that the smoke control damper to be tested is tested to EN 1366-2. This should be taken into account before these tests are carried out. Testing of smoke control dampers is required to assess whether the fire protection requirements of EN 12101-8 are met. EN 12101-8 shall be taken into account before these tests are carried out. Smoke control dampers that have been successfully tested according to this European Standard should be classified according to EN 13501-4. This shall be taken into account before these tests are carried out. EN 1366-10 is to be used in conjunction with EN 12101-8, EN 13501-4, EN 1366-2 and EN 1363-1, with EN 1363-1 providing further details on fire resistance testing. Installation details for smoke extraction ducts are specified in EN 1366-8 and EN 1366-9, which shall be taken into account for this European Standard. This document has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 127 "Fire safety in buildings", the secretariat of which are held by BSI (United Kingdom). Working Committee NA 005-52-06 AA "Brandverhalten von Baustoff und Bauteilen - Lüftungsleitungen" ("Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Ventilation installations") at DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau) was responsible as the national mirror committee.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 005-52-06 AA - Reaction to fire of building materials and building components - Ventilation ducts (national mirror committee for sub-sections of CEN/TC 127/WG 2, CEN/TC 127/WG 7, CEN/TC 156/WG 9 and ISO/TC 92/SC 2)  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 127/WG 2 - Services  

Edition 2017-07
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 150.80 €
Table of contents



Jens Brunner

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2521
Fax: +49 30 2601-42521

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