NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

Pre-standard [Withdrawn]

DIN V 18599-11
Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 11: Building automation

Title (German)

Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Berechnung des Nutz-, End- und Primärenergiebedarfs für Heizung, Kühlung, Lüftung, Trinkwarmwasser und Beleuchtung - Teil 11: Gebäudeautomation




DIN V 18599-11 describes the influence of control as well as room and building automation, including technical (energetic) building management on the energy demand of a building in operation. Thereby especially energy management as part of the superordinated building management for coordination of the distribution and use of energy in the building is of great importance with regard to an energy-efficient building operation. This standard describes therefore also the energy management functions and their interactions with other fields of energy use in the building.
The method for energy efficiency of buildings described in the individual parts of DIN V 18599 already takes into account the control and automation functions relevant for operation of heating, domestic hot water, ventilation, air-conditioning and lighting systems. The functions associated with the corresponding subsystems are described and dealt with in detail in the corresponding standard sheets. This part of the standard does therefore not reformulate or describe in a modified way the calculation methods and influencing parameters which serve for evaluation of control and automation functions which are already contained in other parts of the standard.
This evaluation method is more suitable to summarize the special influence of room and building automation and technical building management (for example, energy management, monitoring) on the energy efficiency of buildings in a transparent fashion. This is necessary as the importance of the trade-spanning control and automation technology and building management for an energetically efficient operation of buildings and plants is known and accepted but not sufficiently quantifiable.
The evaluation method follows the procedure in DIN EN 15232. However, it is explicitly aligned with and adapted to the evaluation method of the DIN V 18599 standard series.
The methodology is the following: - to present the general possibilities of the influence of building automation and building management on the operation of buildings and plants, - to demonstrate fundamental assessment approaches for energy efficiency of buildings by type and extent of room and building automation and building management functions, - to provide an overview of the control and automation functions or parameters used in the individual parts of the standard DIN V 18599, - to systematize control and automation functions with regard to their possible potential for an energy-efficient operation of buildings, - to derive a suitable method for calculation of the influence of room and building automation and building management on the primary energy need of buildings, - to give innovative and control and automation functions already defined in other standards or directives, if appropriate, which have so far not been dealt with in one of the present parts of the standard of DIN V 18599.
DIN V 18599-11 has been approved by NA 00512-01 GA "Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss NABau/FNL/NHRS: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden" ("Joint Working Committee NABau/FNL/NHRS: Energy performance of buildings") and published as a prestandard.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 005-12-01 GA - Joint working committee NABau/FNL/NHRS: Energy efficiency of buildings (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 371, CEN/TC 371/WG 1, CEN/TC 371/WG 2, CEN/TC 371/WG 3, CEN/TC 371/WG 4, CEN/TC 371/WG 5, ISO/TC 163/WG 4 und ISO/TC 163/SC 2/WG 15)  

Edition 2016-10
Original language German
Price from 163.20 €
Table of contents


Anne Lina Wehrle

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2478
Fax: +49 30 2601-42478

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