NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN 18160-1 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN18160T1EErl SH 1983 1983-03-08 Technical building regulations; introduction of DIN 18160 part 1, reference to DIN 18160 part 5 More 
MWärmePAufstRL ; WärmePAufstRLM:1983-10 1983-10 Model - guidelines for the installation of heat pumps (Heat Pumps Guidelines) More 
SchornsteinPrüfÜbwRL 1983-05 Guidelines for the testing and control of the corrosion resistance of internal leafs of steel for multi-leaf building chimneys More 
BauOVollzBek BY 1982-08-06 Implementation of the Bavarian Building Code (VollzBek BayBO) More 
DIN 30683-2 1984-12 Gas appliances; forced air gasburners with ventilation in bakeries More 
SchornsteinRLErl HE 1986-04-27 Guidelines for the diminishing of cross sections of building chimneys More