NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

Technical Specification [CURRENT]

DIN ISO/TS 12805 ; DIN SPEC 52409:2014-08
Nanotechnologies - Materials specifications - Guidance on specifying nano-objects (ISO/TS 12805:2011)

Title (German)

Nanotechnologien - Werkstoffspezifikationen - Leitfaden zur Spezifizierung von Nanoobjekten (ISO/TS 12805:2011)




The International Technical Specification ISO/TS 12805:2011 "Nanotechnologies - Materials specification - Guidance on specifying nano-objects" has been adopted into this DIN SPEC without any modifications. The International Technical Specification ISO/TS 12805 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 229 "Nanotechnologies". This translation has been translated by Subcommittee NA 062-08-17-04 UA "Werkstoff" ("Materials specifications") of Working Committee NA 062-08-17 AA "Nanotechnologien" ("Nanotechnologies") at the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP). This Technical Specification provides guidance on the preparation of specifications for the characteristics of manufactured nano-objects and their measurement methods. This is intended to help ensure the delivery of products with consistent properties for subsequent processing and/or final product performance. This Technical Specification includes guidance on specifying the physical and chemical characteristics of manufactured nano-objects, which might affect performance or subsequent processing.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 062-08-17 AA - Nanotechnologies  

Edition 2014-08
Original language German
Price from 81.50 €
Table of contents


Steffen Jenkel

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

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