DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering
DIN EN 14908-4
Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Control Network Protocol - Part 4: IP Communication; English version EN 14908-4:2014
Firmenneutrale Datenkommunikation für die Gebäudeautomation und Gebäudemanagement - Gebäude-Netzwerk-Protokoll - Teil 4: Kommunikation mittels Internet Protokoll (IP); Englische Fassung EN 14908-4:2014
This European Standard DIN EN 14908-4 is part of a series of standards dealing with the communication system Control Network Protocol (CNP) which is based on LonWorks technology. This standard series specifies both the hardware and software which are necessary for the operation of the communication system. There will be other parts which describe the functions, profiles and conformity tests.