DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering
DIN EN 408
Timber structures - Structural timber and glued laminated timber - Determination of some physical and mechanical properties; German version EN 408:2010+A1:2012
Holzbauwerke - Bauholz für tragende Zwecke und Brettschichtholz - Bestimmung einiger physikalischer und mechanischer Eigenschaften; Deutsche Fassung EN 408:2010+A1:2012
This 2010 revision replaces the previous test method for the determination of the shear strength parallel to grain by a new test method. The revised edition of 2003 added a global bending modulus of elasticity. During this process, the existing test has been renamed "Determination of local modulus of elasticity in bending". It also includes the methods for determination of shear strength and mechanical properties perpendicular to the grain. They were formerly included in EN 1193, which has now been withdrawn. The values obtained in any determination of the properties of timber depend upon the test methods used. It is therefore desirable that these methods be standardized so that results from different test centres can be correlated. Moreover, with the adoption of limit state design and with the development of both visual and machine stress grading, attention will be increasingly centred on the determination and monitoring of the strength properties and variability of timber in structural sizes. Again, this can be more effectively undertaken if the basic data are defined and obtained under the same conditions. This European Standard, which is based originally on ISO 8375, specifies laboratory methods for the determination of some physical and mechanical properties of timber in structural sizes. The methods are not intended for the grading of timber or for quality control. This standard differs from DIN EN 408:2010-12 as follows: a) subsequent changes from the European Amendment A1:2012 have been incorporated; b) normative references have been updated to include EN 384; c) information in 10.3 "Expression of results" has been revised and rendered more precise with regard to the shear modulus G; d) in 19.1 "Test piece", a minimum length of 19 times the depth of the section has been specified; e) in Subclause 19.2 "Procedure", a span of 18 times the depth has been specified and the time to reach maximum load has been modified. This document (EN 408:2010+A1:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 124 "Timber structures", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR (France). The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 005-04-01 AA "Holzbau" (Spiegelausschuss von CEN/TC 124, CEN/TC 250/SC 5) ("Timber structures" (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 124, CEN/TC 250/SC 5)) at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V.
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 005-04-01 AA - Timber structures (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 250/SC 5, ISO/TC 165)