NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN ISO 19110/A1
Geographic information - Methodology for feature cataloguing - Amendment 1 (ISO 19110:2005/AMD 1:2011); English version EN ISO 19110:2006/A1:2011

Title (German)

Geoinformation - Objektartenkataloge - Änderung 1 (ISO 19110:2005/AMD 1:2011); Englische Fassung EN ISO 19110:2006/A1:2011


This document is the amendment to DIN EN ISO 19110:2006-09 and is based on experience regarding the previous application of this standard, experience and lessons learned by the project team of ISO 19126 "Geographic information - Feature concept dictionaries and registers", and harmonization with other standards ISO/TC 211 "Geographic information/Geomatics". This Amendment 1 provides in particular XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) schemas that are meant to enhance interoperability by providing a common specification for describing, validating, and exchanging feature catalogue information. Feature catalogues defining the types of features, attributes and associations and their operations are indispensable for interpreting and turning the data into usable information. Feature catalogues provide a better understanding of the content and meaning of geographic data and promote their dissemination, sharing and use. These supplements and minor modifications aim to: -facilitate the use of ISO 19110 to create geographic feature catalogues; - ensure a consistent description of the feature types of an application schema; - enhance the compliance of ISO 19110 with ISO 19109 "Geographic information - Rules for application schema"; - enable an XML schema implementation of ISO 19110-compliant feature catalogues. This implementation of the XML schema is based on the ISO/TS 19139 encoding rules according to ISO/TS 19139 "Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation"; - enable the registration of feature catalogues and their feature types. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-03-03 AA "Kartographie und Geoinformation (SpA zu CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211)" ("Cartography and geographic information (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211)") at DIN.

Responsible national committee

NA 005-03-03 AA - Geographic Information (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 287 and ISO/TC 211)  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 287 - Geographic Information  

Edition 2011-09
Original language English
Price from 127.10 €
Table of contents


M. Sc.

Aline Grundmann

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2556
Fax: +49 30 2601-42556

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