DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering
DIN EN 1279-5
Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 5: Evaluation of conformity; German version EN 1279-5:2005+A2:2010
Glas im Bauwesen - Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas - Teil 5: Konformitätsbewertung; Deutsche Fassung EN 1279-5:2005+A2:2010
This standard contains the 2005 version including Amendment 1 and Amendment 2. Among others, additions have been made to - Clause "Safety in use - Pendulum body impact resistance: shatter properties (safe breakability) and resistance to impact", - Clause 5.2 "Initial type testing of the product". Tables 2 and 3 regarding the seal performance have been replaced by new tables. Furthermore a new normative Annex A "Rules for the use of 'other party' ITT results" has been included; it has been inserted after Clause 6 and before the existing informative Annex A "Use of IGU's when subjected to UV and/or in SGG". As a result, the numeration of the existing annexes has changed. In Annex ZA the web address has been updated among others, the caption for the first column has been changed from "notified body" to "notified test laboratory" and a reference to the new Annex A has been included. The standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 129 "Glass in Building", the secretariat of which is held by NBN (Belgium). At DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V., the responsible committee which has been appointed as Mirror Committee to CEN/TC 129 is Working Committee NA 005-09-88 AA "Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas" ("Insulating glass units") of the Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee (NABau).