NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN 13279-1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 18157-1 2017-04 Execution of tilings and coverings by thin mortar bed technique - Part 1: Cement-based mortars More 
DIN 18157-2 2017-04 Execution of tilings and coverings by thin mortar bed technique - Part 2: Dispersion adhesives More 
DIN 18157-3 2017-04 Execution of tilings and coverings by thin mortar bed technique - Part 3: Reaction resin adhesives More 
DIN 18350 2019-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Plastering and rendering More 
DIN 18534-1 2017-07 Waterproofing for indoor applications - Part 1: Requirements and principles for design and execution More 
DIN 18550-2 2018-01 Design, preparation and application of external rendering and internal plastering - Part 2: Supplementary provisions for DIN EN 13914-2:2016-09 for internal plastering More 
DIN 4102-4 2016-05 Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 4: Synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components More 
DIN 4121 2017-08 Hanging wire-plaster ceilings - Plaster ceilings with plaster-bearing steel-inserts, rabitz ceilings - Directions for the execution More 
BFS Merkblatt Nr. 10 2012-05 Coating process, wall covering and bonding work on mixed plasters More 
DIN 18111-3 2018-10 Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 3: Installation of steel door frames according to DIN 18111-1 and DIN 18111-2 More