NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

About NABau

The DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau) is responsible for considering all proposals for standardization in the field of building and civil engineering and for processing such proposals whenever there is a legitimate interest in standardization and guaranteed funding is available to cover the associated operating costs incurred by the committee.

In addition to national standards, the NABau participates in European and international standardization in its field of work. It is also responsible for promoting the preparation and application of the relevant standards.

How is NABau composed?


DIN e. V.
Michael Krüger

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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New projects
Document number Begin Title
DIN 18036 2024-06-28 Ice-sport facilities - Ice-sport facilities with artificial ice - Rules for planning and construction More  Comment 
DIN CEN/T? 00104459 2024-06-27 Background of exposure resistance classes (ERC) concept in EN 206-100 More  Comment 
DIN CEN ISO/TS 19176-1 2024-06-25 ISO/AWI TS 19176-1 Geographic information - Analysis ready data - Part 1: Framework and fundamentals More  Comment 

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Current Draft Standards
Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 16303/A1 2024-08 Road restraint systems - Validation and verification process for the use of virtual testing in crash testing against vehicle restraint system; German and English version EN 16303:2020/prA1:2024 More 
DIN EN ISO 16383-1 2024-08 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of rock - Part 1: Determination of water content (ISO/DIS 16383-1:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 16383-1:2024 More 
DIN EN 74-1/A1 2024-08 Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 1: Couplers for tubes - Requirements and test procedures; German and English version EN 74-1:2022/prA1:2024 More 

All draft standards  

New publications
Document number Edition Procedure Title
DIN CEN/TS 19102 2024-08 VN Design of tensioned membrane structures; German version CEN/TS 19102:2023 More  Order from DIN Media
DIN EN 17879 2024-08 Standard Event structures - Safety requirements; German version EN 17879:2023 More  Order from DIN Media
DIN EN ISO 19160-2 2024-08 Standard Addressing - Part 2: Assigning and maintaining addresses for objects in the physical world (ISO 19160-2:2023); English version EN ISO 19160-2:2023 More  Order from DIN Media

All publications  

Documents withdrawn without replacement
Document number Deadline for comments Title
DIN 18900 2024-08-31 Wooden pole constructions; design and execution More  Comment 

All withdrawals