NA 002

DIN Standards Committee Coatings and Coating Materials

DIN EN ISO 12944-5 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
STLB-BauZ LB 630 CD-ROM Mauerarbeiten More 
DIN EN 1993-5/NA 2010-12 National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 5: Piling More 
DIN SPEC 1052-100 2013-08 Timber structures - Design of timber structures - Part 100: Minimum requirements for the materials or corrosion protection of fasteners More 
DIN 19704-2 2014-11 Hydraulic steel structures - Part 2: Design and manufacturing More 
DIN 4223-102 2014-12 Application of prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete - Part 102: Application of components in structures More 
DIN 55991-3 2016-03 Paints and varnishes - Coatings for nuclear facilities - Part 3: Coating work, planning and procedure More 
DVGW G 495 2015-11 Gas plants and systems - Operation and maintenance More 
DVGW W 400-1 2015-02 Technical rules for water supply systems - Part 1: Design More 
BAW Korrosionsschutz, Prüfung, Stahlwasserbau ; RPB:2011 2011 Guidelines for the testing of coating systems for the corrosion protection of hydraulic steel structures More 
BFS Merkblatt Nr. 15 2009-07 Brandschutzbeschichtungen auf Holz, Holzwerkstoffen und Stahlbauteilen More