NA 002

DIN Standards Committee Coatings and Coating Materials

DIN 55945 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN 65046-1 Edition 2010-10 Title Aerospace - Methods of test for surface protective coatings; Paints and varnishes - Part 1: Survey and identifications More 
Document number RAL-UZ 143 Edition 2010-01 Title Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Electric Household Ovens More 
Document number RAL-UZ 149 Edition 2010-07 Title Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Electric Household Microwaves More 
Document number BFS Merkblatt Nr. 8 Edition 2010-06 Title Innenbeschichtungen, Tapezier- und Klebearbeiten auf Betonflächen More 
Document number DIN 53159 Edition 2010-08 Title Paints and varnishes - Determination of the degree of chalking of paint coatings by the Kempf method More 
Document number RAL-UZ 38 Edition 2013-01 Title Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label - Low-Emission Wood Products and Wood-Base Products More