DIN Standards Committee Coatings and Coating Materials
DIN EN ISO 8502-3
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method) (ISO 8502-3:2017); German version EN ISO 8502-3:2017
Vorbereitung von Stahloberflächen vor dem Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen - Prüfungen zum Beurteilen der Oberflächenreinheit - Teil 3: Beurteilung von Staub auf für das Beschichten vorbereiteten Stahloberflächen (Klebeband-Verfahren) (ISO 8502-3:2017); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 8502-3:2017
This part of ISO 8502 describes a method for the assessment of dust remaining on cleaned steel surfaces prepared for painting. It provides pictorial ratings for the assessment of the average quantity of dust. It also provides descriptive classes for the assessment of the average size of the dust particles. The method described is a qualitative test useful for a steel surface, before cleaning, corresponding to rust grade A, B or C as defined in ISO 8501-1. It can be used as a "pass/fail" test or to provide a permanent record of the dust present on a surface. The responsible German standardization committee Subcommittee is NA 002-00-10-04 UA "Oberflächenvorbereitung und -prüfung" ("Surface preparation and testing") of Working Committee NA 002-00-10 AA "Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten" ("Corrosion protection of steel structures") at DIN Standards Committee Coatings and Coating Materials (NAB).
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 002-00-10-04 UA - Surface preparation and testing