NA 002

DIN Standards Committee Coatings and Coating Materials

NA 002-00-10 AA
Corrosion protection of steel structures

Preparation of standards for corrosion protection of steel constructions by coating systems, including - terms and definitions, - surface preparation and testing, - materials and systems for corrosion-protection, - planning, execution and supervision of corrosion-protection work.

Subordinate Committees of NA 002-00-10 AA

Committee ID Name Sub-committees
Committee ID NA 002-00-10-01 UA -dormant Name General Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 002-00-10-04 UA Name Surface preparation and testing Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 002-00-10-05 UA Name Materials and systems for corrosion protection, including test methods Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 002-00-10-08 UA Name Protection of supporting thin-walled building components from corrosion Sub-committees 0
Committee ID NA 002-00-10-09 AK Name Transformation of DIN 55633 into a series of standards Sub-committees 0


DIN-Normenausschuss Beschichtungsstoffe und Beschichtungen (NAB)
Mr.   Dr.

Benjamin Zirnstein

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2739
Fax: +49 30 2601-42739

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