NA 052

DIN Standards Committee Road Vehicles and Mobility

CEN/TC 278
Intelligent Transport Systems

Standardization in the field of intelligent transport systems, encompassing services and techniques to achieve road safety, environmental sustainability and traffic efficiency, and to improve the travel experience; applying information and communication technologies between vehicles/infrastructure/other road users. The following are included: aspects of cooperation (C-ITS); intermodality and multimodality; traffic management; mobility information; mobility integration; mobility as a service; systems and services for vulnerable road users; ITS services for automated vehicles; parking management; user fee collection; public transport management; eCall; after-theft vehicle recovery systems; kerbside and pavement management. Mobility accessibility for all users is an important aspect of ITS standardization.

National mirror committee of CEN/TC 278

Committee ID Name
Committee ID NA 052-00-71 GA Name Joint working committee NAAutomobil/DKE: Intelligent Transport Systems