NA 003

DIN Standards Committee Valves

DIN EN 12569 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
EN ISO 15848-1 2015-06 Industrial valves - Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emissions - Part 1: Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves (ISO 15848-1:2015) More 
EN 12266-1 2012-04 Industrial valves - Testing of metallic valves - Part 1: Pressure tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria - Mandatory requirements More 
EN 12266-2 2012-02 Industrial valves - Testing of metallic valves - Part 2: Tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria - Supplementary requirements More 
EN 60534-4 2006-09 Industrial-process control valves - Part 4: Inspection and routine testing (IEC 60534-4:2006) More 
EN 736-2 2016-02 Valves - Terminology - Part 2: Definition of components of valves More 
EN 736-3 2008-01 Valves - Terminology - Part 3: Definition of terms More 
EN ISO 1179-1 2013-11 Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing - Part 1: Threaded ports (ISO 1179-1:2013) More 
EN 10204 2004-10 Metallic products - Types of inspection documents More 
EN 10269 2013-10 Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature properties More 
EN 1092-1 2018-04 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel flanges More