VDI/DIN-Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL) - Standards Committee
DIN CEN/TS 1948-5
; DIN SPEC 33970:2015-06
Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs - Part 5: Long-term sampling of PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs; German version CEN/TS 1948-5:2015
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration von PCDD/PCDF und dioxin-ähnlichen PCB - Teil 5: Langzeitprobenahme von PCDD/PCDF und PCB; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 1948-5:2015
DIN CEN/TS 1948-5 is a process description and deals in particular with aspects of environmental protection focusing on dioxins, PCBs, POPs and related compounds which fall under the Stockholm Convention. This Technical Specification specifies requirements for long-term sampling of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polychlorinated dioxine-like biphenyls (PCB) on stationary sources. As verified in a validation measurement campaign, PCB can be collected from stationary sources together with PCDD/PCDF due to their similar chemical behaviour. Therefore it is possible to measure PCB together with PCDD/PCDF. There are three different sampling methods which use the three principles described in EN 1948-1 but modified for the long-term sampling requirements: - filter/condenser method; - dilution method; - cooled probe method. Each sampling method is illustrated in detail. The sampling methods described in this document are designed for a sampling duration of typically four weeks; significantly shorter (for example, 1 day) but also longer sampling durations are possible, however. Additionally this document specifies a framework of quality control requirements for any long-term sampling method to be applied. With the methods described experiences were gained for a concentration range from typically 0,003 ng I-TEQ/m3 up to 4,0 ng I-TEQ/m3 and WHO-TEQ3 up to 4,0 ng WHO-TEQ/m3 respectively at different stationary sources (for example, waste incinerators, sinter plants, cement kilns). For the complete measurement method the use of EN 1948-2 and EN 1948-3 describing extraction and clean-up and identification and quantification, respectively, is necessary in order to determine PCDDs/PCDFs. Also EN 1948-4 is necessary for the analyses of dioxine-like PCBs. In contrast to the standard reference method (EN 1948-1) which refers to monitoring the limit value for compliance with emission limit values (ELVs) in EU Directives, such as Industrial Emission Directive (IED), the long-term sampling is intended to determine the average concentration level during a longer period. CEN/TS 1948-5 provides a method for measuring long-term average mass concentrations. In some European Union countries PCDD/PCDF/PCB long-term sampling is an obligatory measurement for some incineration processes. In other countries of the European Union this sampling may be obligatory in the future. Patent rights shall be observed for the filter/condenser method and cooled probe method. For the document a mandate from the European Commission and the EFTA secretariat is under preparation; it supports essential requirements of EU Directives. The document is directed at representatives of supervisory authorities, inspection bodies, trade associations, architectural and planning offices, structural engineering companies as well as plant operators and equipment manufacturers. The document has been prepared by CEN/TC 264 "Air quality" with the intensive collaboration of German experts in WG 1 "Dioxins and PCBs (Emissions)". The secretariats of CEN/TC 264 and CEN/TC 264/1 are held by DIN; the chairmanship of CEN/TC 264/WG 1 is also in Germany. The responsible German committee is NA 134-04-01-13 UA Messen von PCB (Emission) (Measurement of dioxins, PCB, PBF and POPs (E&I)).
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 134-04-02-13 UA - Measurement of dioxins, PCB, PBF and POPs (E&I)