NA 134

VDI/DIN-Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL) - Standards Committee

CEN/TC 264/WG 30
Ambient air – Biomonitoring with flowering plants

WG 30 deals with description of a method for the determination of biological index of effects of ozone on tobacco. Such index can be used for spatial and temporal survey of effects of ozone on vegetation. This method has already been widely used. This standard will allow harmonizing the use of the method in order to compare the results. Furthermore, WG 30 deals with description of a method, using ray-grass, for assessing the environmental impregnation by organic and non-organic elements. This method has already been widely used. This standard will allow harmonizing the use of the method in order to compare the results. The method can apply to the localization of pollution sources and dispersion areas at local and regional levels. It also allows the mapping of background pollution at national or global levels.

National mirror committee of CEN/TC 264/WG 30

Committee ID Name
Committee ID NA 134-03-03-01 UA Name Impact of air pollution on higher plants