NA 121

DIN Standards Committee Tools and Clamping Devices

DIN 4000-192 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 4000-102 2021-05 Tabular layouts of properties - Part 102: Data exchange for tabular layouts of properties with XML schema More 
DIN 4000-190 2020-07 Tabular layouts of properties - Part 190: Clamping devices More 
DIN 4003-190 2020-07 Concept for the design of 3D models based on properties according to DIN 4000 - Part 190: Clamping devices More 
DIN 26100 2021-05 Container file - Summary of different product files for the data exchange More 
DIN 4000-1 2019-03 Tabular layouts of properties - Part 1: Concepts and principles More 
DIN 4000-95 2016-12 Tabular layouts of properties - Part 95: Interface coding for tools and clamping devices More 
DIN 4003-1 2017-10 Concept for the design of 3D models based on properties according to DIN 4000 - Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles More 
DIN 51502 1990-08 Designation of lubricants and marking of lubricant containers, equipment and lubricating points More 
ISO 13399-1 2006-02 Cutting tool data representation and exchange - Part 1: Overview, fundamental principles and general information model More 
ISO 19378 2003-03 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) - Machine-tool lubricants - Categories and specifications More