NA 121

DIN Standards Committee Tools and Clamping Devices

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 4000-81
Tabular layouts of properties - Part 81: Drills and countersinking tools with non-indexable cutting edges

Title (German)

Sachmerkmal-Listen - Teil 81: Bohr- und Senkwerkzeuge mit nicht lösbaren Schneiden


This standard specifies the characteristics of standardized and non-standardized drills and countersinking tools with non-indexable cutting edges. The standard applies to drills and countersinking tools with blades that are located directly on the base body and for tools with cutting inserts that are firmly attached to the base body and cannot be mechanically indexed (for example, soldered). These non-indexable cutting inserts are represented in the figures by 45° hatching with three parallel lines according to DIN ISO 128-50, designation "SM". The standard differs from DIN 4000-81:2012-08 as follows: a) Clause 1 "Scope" has been extended; b) the list of properties (Table 1) has been extended to include B9, E5, E6, E7; c) the designations of properties A11, A12, A 61, B1, B2 and H5 have been changed; d) Table 1, Feature J6: Format has been changed from CHAR 20 to CHAR 30; e) Figure 2: B1 3 added; f) Figure 5 has been divided into two figures (Figure 5 - Countersink, Figure 15 - Step countersink); g) Figure 7 and Figure 11: B1 2 added; h) Figure 12 has been divided into two figures (Figur 12 - single-lip deep-hole drills, Figure 16 - single-lip deep-hole step drills); i) Figure 14: A11 has been added; j) Figure 15 and Figure 16: Detail "X" has been added; k) Figure 16: B1 2 has been added; l) Figure 17: Bell-type counterbore has been added; m) characteristic F3 of CHAR 2 has been changed to CHAR 1; n) block structure has been added; o) description of Clause 5 has been changed; p) Table 10 and Table 11 have been added; q) conformance classes have been transferred to "MCO system"; r) revision of the MCO table: Changes: A4, A5, A64, B7, B9, C3, D6, E4, E5, E6, G2, G5, H5; s) Figure B.1: characteristic identifiers have been corrected; t) characteristic for specifying the interface coding according to ISO 13399-60 has been added. This standard has been prepared by DIN Standards Committee Tools and Clamping Devices (FWS), NA 121-07-01 AA "Merkmallisten und 3D-Modelle für Werkzeuge, Werkzeughalter, Spannmittel und Werkzeugmaschinen" ("Tabular layouts of properties and 3D models for tools, adaptive items, clamping devices and machine tools").

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 121-07-01 AA - Tabular layouts of properties and cutting tools data exchange, adaptive items, clamping devices and machine tools  

Edition 2017-09
Original language German
Price from 121.20 €
Table of contents



Daniel Pérez Kaiser

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2485
Fax: +49 30 2601-42485

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