NA 087

DIN Standards Committee Railway

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 27202-1
State of railway vehicles - Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles - Part 1: Vehicle superstructure

Title (German)

Zustand der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge - Fahrzeugaufbau und Sondereinrichtungen - Teil 1: Fahrzeugaufbau


Wear, failures and other damages affect the operational safety of railway vehicles. Depending on the tribological behaviour, the operational parameters and the current state of the railway vehicles and depending on the economic efficiency, a maintenance system has to be specified which ensures that the required technical target state is satisfied. DIN 27202 "State of railway vehicles - Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles" consists of: - Part 1: Vehicle superstructure; - Part 2: Buffing and draw gear; - Part 3: Steps, handles, hand rails, ladders, railings; - Part 4: Gangways; - Part 5: Moveable components of vehicle superstructure and doors (except doors of passenger areas); - Part 6: Safety equipment for load and transport protection; - Part 7: Rancher; - Part 8: Freight containers/Tanks; - Part 9: Installations which contain substances dangerous to water as well as tanks and pipe systems for flammable substances; - Part 10: Measurement of superstructures. These documents have been prepared by Subcommittee NA 087-00-15-02 UA "Fahrzeugaufbau und Sondereinrichtungen" ("Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles") of Working Committee NA 087-00-15 AA "Zustand der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge" ("State of railway vehicles") of the Railway Standardization Committee (FSF), in coordination with other working committees of the FSF and the German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (DKE) and contains safety specifications. The standards of the complete works "State of railway vehicles" represent a uniform and system-compatible normative document which specifies rules for the operation and maintenance of standard gauge railway vehicles. The general scope of this document is specified in DIN 27200:2011-11, Clause 1 and 3.1. DIN 27202-1 "State of railway vehicles - Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles -Part 1: Vehicle superstructure" specifies the general provisions for the technical target state of the superstructure of traction vehicles (locomotives, railcars/motor coaches), closed trains, passenger coaches, freight wagons and auxiliary/work and special vehicles. The vehicle superstructure comprises the components chassis or vehicle frame and vehicle body. The following modifications have been made with respect to DIN 27202-1:2004-05: a) foreword and scope have been adopted; b) normative references have been updated; c) introduction and incorporation of terms and definitions into the informative annexes A to D; d) revision of the technical target state in Table 1 and Table 2; e) editorial revision of the standard.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 087-00-15-02 UA - Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles  

Edition 2014-09
Original language German
Price from 94.60 €
Table of contents



Lothar Weinreich

Rolandstr. 4
34131 Kassel

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