DIN Standards Committee Railway
DIN EN 45545-2
Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components; German version EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015
Bahnanwendungen - Brandschutz in Schienenfahrzeugen - Teil 2: Anforderungen an das Brandverhalten von Materialien und Komponenten; Deutsche Fassung EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015
This standard DIN EN 45545-2, "Railway applications - Fire protection on railroad vehicles - Part 2: Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components" has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 "Railway applications", the secretariat of which is held by DIN (Germany). The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 087-00-14 AA "Fire safety" of Standards Committee Railway (FSF) at DIN. DIN EN 45545 "Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles" consists of: - Part 1: General; - Part 2: Requirements for fire behavior of materials and components; - Part 3: Fire resistance requirements for fire barriers; - Part 4: Fire safety requirements for rolling stock design; - Part 5: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment including that of trolley buses, track guided buses and magnetic levitation vehicles; - Part 6: Fire control and management systems; - Part 7: Fire safety requirements for flammable liquid and flammable gas installations. EN 45545-2 has been developed from existing fire safety regulations for railway vehicles from the International Union of Railways (UIC) and different European countries. In using the operation and design categories defined in EN 45545-1, the requirements laid down in this part take into account the current operating conditions for European public rail transport. This part of EN 45545 specifies the fire safety requirements for materials and components for railway vehicles according to EN 45545-1. The operation and design categories defined in EN 45545-1 are used to establish hazard levels that are used as the basis of a classification system. For each hazard level, this part specifies the test methods, test conditions and reaction to fire performance requirements. It is not within the scope of this document to describe measures that ensure the preservation of the vehicles in the event of a fire. Amendment 1 to EN 45545-2, adopted by CEN on 2015-08-14, results in the following changes for the consolidated version of EN 45545-2: a) In 4.2. e) The existing text is replaced by the following: a component other than electrical cables which, with the same composition, meets a requirement in two different thicknesses, also meets the requirement by definition for all thicknesses in between. A component which fulfills a requirement in the maximum testable thickness also fulfills the requirement for greater thicknesses by definition. If electrical cables with identical composition meet the requirements for two different diameters, then the requirements for all intermediate dimensions are considered to be met; b) In 4.2. f) New text: The classification for one product also applies to other products if they differ only in color and/or the type of embossed surface; c) 4.4 Table 2. 1) IN3B new text: For example, polycarbonate diffusers, light covers for lamps. Lighting units themselves and display boards are not evaluated according to IN3B; 2) line EX4 is replaced by the insertion of two lines EX4A and EX4B; 3) Line EL9: description changed; 4) EL10: connection points replaced by terminals d) 4.4 entire Table 2.: ...voltage... in ...power... changed; e) 4.8 Table 5; R4: product changed to component; f) Table 5, requirement set R14: Replace "flash point" by "fire point"; g) The existing text is replaced by the following: Any material which is part of an assembly but which is not part of all fire test pieces, for example, because it exceeds the thickness limitation of the test procedures, shall be tested separately in accordance with the appropriate requirement(s) as defined in R17, except for interlayer floor composites which shall be tested in accordance with the requirement(s) as defined in R10. This requirement does not apply to seat cushion assemblies (as seat assemblies are tested to R18 and R21). h) B.5. New text: The temperatures in the exhaust air pipe and the ambient temperature are recorded for at least 60 s. The ambient temperature shall be within (20 ± 10) °C and the temperature in the pipe shall not deviate more than 4 °C from the ambient temperature; i) C.1: Product changed to component. Method changed to process; j) D.1: The following has been added to the text: The test specimens for EN ISO 5659-2 tests shall be prepared in accordance with the following procedure in compliance with EN ISO 5659-2:2006: Wrapped test pieces with a thickness of up to 12,5 mm shall be backed with a piece of non-combustible insulation board with a density in the oven dry state of (850 ± 100) kg/m3 and a nominal thickness of 12,5 mm and a layer of low-density (nominal 65 kg/m3) non-combustible ceramic fibre mat under the non-combustible board.