NA 087

DIN Standards Committee Railway

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16494
Railway applications - Requirements for ERTMS Trackside Boards; German version EN 16494:2015

Title (German)

Bahnanwendungen - Anforderungen an ERTMS-Strecken- und Signaltafeln; Deutsche Fassung EN 16494:2015


This European Standard was produced for the specification and harmonization of a specific set of ERTMS trackside boards to support ETCS and GSM-R operations. The existing DMI symbols within the scope of this European Standard were considered for the trackside board designs but were found to be unreadable due to complexity of the designs. For this reason the abstract designs shown in Table 1 were developed. This European Standard contains colour images for indicational purposes only. The colours are not representative of the specification. The drawings shown in Table 1 and Table 2 are not to scale.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 087-00-17-02 UA - ETCS Signaling boards  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 256/SC 3/WG 9 - Lighting and Trackside Signage  

Edition 2015-06
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 87.90 €
Table of contents


Zsolt Bencze

Rolandstr. 4
34131 Kassel

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