NA 087

DIN Standards Committee Railway

DIN 27202-1 [Withdrawn] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN EN 15877-2 Edition 2014-04 Title Railway applications - Markings of railway vehicles - Part 2: External markings on coaches, motive power units, locomotives and on track machines; German version EN 15877-2:2013 More 
Document number DIN 25003 Edition 2001-09 Title Railway applications - Classification of rail vehicles - Survey, terminology, definitions More 
Document number EBO Edition 1967-05-08 Title Railway Building and Operation Regulations (EBO) More 
Document number EUV 321/2013 ; TSI Güterwagen:2013-03-13 ; TSI WAG:2013-03-13 Edition 2013-03-13 Title Commission Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 of 13 March 2013 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem "rolling stock - freight wagons" of the rail system in the European Union and repealing Decision 2006/861/EC More