DIN Standards Committee Railway
DIN 27201-6
State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and production technology - Part 6: Welding
Zustand der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge - Grundlagen und Fertigungstechnologien - Teil 6: Schweißen
Wear, failures and other damage influence the operational safety of railway vehicles. Depending on the wear characteristics, application parameters and the current state of the railway vehicles and the cost effectiveness, a maintenance system shall be specified by which it is ensured that the necessary technical target state is maintained and the specified welding maintenance work is applied. This document DIN 27201-6 "State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and production technology - Part 6: Welding" has been prepared by Subcommittee NA 087-00-15-01 UA "Grundlagen und Fertigungstechnologien" ("Terms and definitions for the reliable state of railway vehicles") at Working Committee NA 087-00-15 AA "Zustand der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge" ("State of railway vehicles") of the Railway Standardization Committee (FSF), in coordination with other working committees of the FSF and the "German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (DKE)" and contains safety specifications. The standards of the complete works "State of railway vehicles" represent a uniform and system-compatible normative document which specifies the limit state for the safe operation and processes to maintain the target state of standard gauge railway vehicles. This standard can also be applied to railway vehicles with other gauges (see DIN 27200, 3.1). All documents of the complete works are listed in DIN 27200, Supplement 1. This standard shall replace DIN 27201-6:2007-12. DIN 27201 "State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and production technology" consists of: - Part 1: Maintenance programme - Part 2: Proof of maintenance - Part 3: Test run - Part 4: Treatment of railway vehicles following hazardous incidents - Part 5: Checking of wheel forces and vertical wheelset forces of railway vehicles - Part 6: Welding - Part 7: Non-destructive test - Part 8: Adhesive bonding - Part 9: Measuring - Part 10: Thermal spraying - Part 11: Procedure for preparation of fault tolerance concept - Part 12: Mandatory supervision equipment permanently installed in railway vehicles - Part 13: (in preparation) Maintenance of and with fibre composite parts of railway vehicles (in preparation) The following modifications have been made with respect to DIN 27201-6:2007-12: a) adaptation of the foreword and the scope, b) revision of the normative references; c) adaptation to the DIN EN 15085 standard series; d) modification of the structure and deletion of Annexes D through G and division of Annex C into new Annexes A and B; e) adaptation to the current state of standardization and DVS guidelines or information sheets; f) editorial revision. The general scope of this document is specified in DIN 27200, clause 1 and clause 3.1. This standard applies, in addition to the DIN EN 15085-1 through DIN EN 15085-5 standard series, for the special features of the welding maintenance of railway vehicles. It specifies the requirements for the welding maintenance of any railway vehicle and for workshops maintaining railway vehicles. The prestandard of DIN 27201-6 is one part of the complete works "State of railway vehicles" which is notified according to the Communication from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Commission of the European Communities as national safety rules for the German railway system according to article 8, paragraph 2 of Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on safety on the Community's railways. The European Railway Agency (ERA) has included these standards in particular in the ERA guide for the member states about the notification of national safety rules. Communication from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Commission of the European Communities of 25 January 2008. The most current Communication is valid.