NA 087

DIN Standards Committee Railway

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Projects of NA 087

Number: 160

DIN EN 00256818 2019-07-03 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Part 3: Design method for axles with external journals for urban rail More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 17532 2019-06-17 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Assessment of fire containment and control systems for railway vehicles More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 14067-7 2019-02-12 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Fundamentals for test procedures for train-induced ballast projection More  Comment 
DIN EN 15955 2018-10-08 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Demountable machines, trailers and associated equipment - General safety and technical requirements for travelling and working; German version FprEN 15955:2021 More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 17420 2018-04-26 Railway applications - Vehicle end design for trams and light rail vehicles with respect to pedestrian safety More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 17498 2018-04-06 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Rail mounted railway maintenance and inspection machines and associated equipment - Explanation of machine type and compliance, including acceptance processes More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 17373 2017-11-01 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock - Investigation of vehicles position on the reverse curve tracks during running and calculation of buffer overlap More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 17320 2017-11-01 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Determination of laboratory test parameters for assessing the mechanical durability of rail fastening systems - Complementary element More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 15654-3 2017-07-17 Railway applications - Measurement of vertical forces on wheels and wheelsets - Part 3: Approval and verification of on track measurement sites for vehicles in service More  Comment 
DIN EN 13260+A1/A2 2015-11-23 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Wheelsets - Product requirements More  Comment