NA 087

DIN Standards Committee Railway

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Documents withdrawn without replacement of NA 087

Number: 12

DIN 25150 2025-03-31 Rail vehicles; interior; design requirements for cleaning More  Comment 
DIN 30803 2025-04-30 Technique of transshipment in the transportation chain - Defrosting/antifreeze protection for hopper wagons More  Comment 
DIN 25252 2025-04-30 Rail vehicles; self-discharging wagon with side-wall flaps; square for locking shaft More  Comment 
DIN 30801 2025-04-30 Technique of transshipment in the transportation chain - Loading of bulk freight wagons - Interfaces for wagons/loading equipment More  Comment 
DIN 30802-1 2025-04-30 Technique of transshipment in the transportation chain - Unloading of bulk freight wagons - Part 1: Interfaces for wagons/unloading equipment More  Comment 
DIN 30800-1 2025-04-30 Transportation chain; technique of transshipment in the transportation chain; transportation chain for the bulk freight-rail traffic; descriptions and linkage criterions More  Comment 
DIN 30800-2 2025-04-30 Transportation chain; technique of transshipment in the transportation chain; assignment of bulk freights and bulk freight wagons More  Comment 
DIN 30800-3 2025-04-30 Transportation chain; technique of transshipment in the transportation chain; intersection in bulk freight rail traffic; allocation from the technique of installations and the bulk freight wagons More  Comment 
DIN 30800-3 Beiblatt 1 2025-04-30 Transportation chain - Technique of transshipment in the transportation chain - Procedures and interfaces in bulk freight rail traffic; allocation of transshipment installations and bulk freight wagons; short description of transshipment installations More  Comment 
DIN 25255 2025-04-30 Rail vehicles - Spanner wrench - Dimensions More  Comment