NA 066

DIN Standards Committee Nonferrous Metals

DIN EN 1057 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 3227 2023-10 Valves for potable water supply in buildings - Angle service valves - Requirements and tests More 
STLB-BauZ LB 680 CD-ROM Heizanlagen und zentrale Wassererwärmungsanlagen More 
STLB-BauZ LB 681 CD-ROM Gas-, Wasser- und Abwasserinstallationsarbeiten More 
VDI 2073 Blatt 1 2014-05 Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic circuits More 
VDI 2073 Blatt 2 2024-02 Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic balancing More 
VDI 4640 Blatt 2 2019-06 Thermal use of the underground - Ground source heat pump systems More 
DIN 14462 2023-07 Planning, installation, operation and maintenance of fire hose systems, systems with fire hydrants and dry risers More 
DIN 18380 2019-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of central heating systems and hot water supply systems More 
DIN 1988-200 2012-05 Codes of practice for drinking water installations - Part 200: Installation Type A (closed system) - Planning, components, apparatus, materials; DVGW code of practice More 
DIN 1988-600 2021-07 Codes of practice for drinking water installations - Part 600: Drinking water installations in connection with fire fighting and fire protection installations More