NA 055

DIN Standards Committee Laboratory Devices and Installations

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 14175-7
Fume cupboards - Part 7: Fume cupboards for high heat and acidic load; German version EN 14175-7:2012

Title (German)

Abzüge - Teil 7: Abzüge für hohe thermische und Säurelasten (Abrauchabzüge); Deutsche Fassung EN 14175-7:2012


The standard applies for - fume cupboards for high heat load, - fume cupboards for handling of perchloric acid, - fume cupboards for handling of hydrofluoric acid - and fume cupboards for high heat load in combination with acidic digestions. It specifies supplementary requirements and tests for these special purpose fume cupboards relevant to vocabulary, safety and performance requirements, type test methods, on-site test methods and marking. The use of these special purpose fume cupboards in the place of conventional fume cupboards is generally the result of a risk assessment. The European Standard has been prepared by Working Committee WG 4 "Fume cupboards" at CEN/TC 332 "Laboratory equipment". The responsible German mirror committee is Working Group "Laborabzüge und Laborlufttechnik" ("Laboratory fume cupboards and laboratory ventilation technology") at the Laboratory Devices and Installations Standards Committee. This committee participated in the preparation of the European Standard in a leadership role. For this purpose, the previous standard DIN 12924-2 served as the basis. The standard contains safety specifications in the framework of the German Equipment and Product Safety Act (GPSG) and the tests described in the standard are intended for qualified personnel. The following modifications have been made with respect to DIN 12924-2:2007-04: a) requirements and tests for the 4 types of fume cupboards have been subdivided and worded separately throughout; b) dimensional requirements have been deleted from the standard; c) materials allowed for the sash have been limited; d) marking for conformity to the standard has been modified; e) basic requirements for the declaration of conformity by tenderers have been specified.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 055-02-01 AA - Fume cupbaords and ventilation  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 332/WG 4 - Fume cupboards and associated ventilation  

Edition 2012-08
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Peer Schrapers

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