NA 058

DIN Standards Committee Lighting Technology

DIN EN 13201-4 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN 5035-6 Edition 2006-11 Title Artificial lighting - Part 6: Measurement and evaluation More 
Document number DIN 67518 Edition 2015-03 Title Lighting Technology - Requirements for the qualification of the light technician - Outdoor lighting More 
Document number DIN 67523-2 Edition 2010-06 Title Lighting of pedestrian crossings (sign 293 StVO) with additional lighting - Part 2: Calculation and measurement More 
Document number DIN 67524-2 Edition 2011-06 Title Lighting of road tunnels and underpasses - Part 2: Calculation and measurement More 
Document number DIN 67523-1 Edition 2010-06 Title Lighting of pedestrian crossings (sign 293 StVO) with additional lighting - Part 1: General quality characteristics and guide values More 
Document number FGSV 200 ; RASt 06:2006 Edition 2006 Title Directives for the design of urban street (RASt) More 
Document number FGSV 212 ; H BVA:2011 Edition 2011 Title Hinweise für barrierefreie Verkehrsanlagen (H BVA) More 
Document number FGSV 230 ; ESG:2011-06 Edition 2011-06 Title Empfehlungen zur Straßenraumgestaltung innerhalb bebauter Gebiete More 
Document number FGSV 284 ; ERA:2010 Edition 2010 Title Empfehlungen für Radverkehrsanlagen (ERA) More 
Document number FGSV 432 Edition 2010 Title Arbeitspapier Reflexionseigenschaften von Gesteinskörnungen und Oberflächen aus Asphalt More