NA 058

DIN Standards Committee Lighting Technology

DIN EN 12464-1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 12464-1 Beiblatt 1 2024-05 Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 1: Indoor work places; Supplement 1: Lighting concepts for artificial lighting More 
VDI 4499 Blatt 5 2023-09 Digital factory - Prognosis of environmental influences on the working person More 
VDI 6000 Blatt 1 2024-07 Sanitary engineering - Sanitary facilities - Fundamental requirements More 
DIN 10506 2023-03 Food hygiene - Mass catering More 
DIN 14092-1 2024-06 Fire stations - Part 1: Elements for design More 
DIN 25407-3 2023-10 Shielding walls against ionizing radiation - Part 3: Construction of lead hot cells More 
DIN 5648 2024-09 Urban Rail - Requirements for electrotechnical and mechanical systems More 
DIN/TS 5031-100 2021-11 Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering - Part 100: Melanopic effects of ocular light on human beings - Quantities, symbols and action spectra More 
DIN/TS 67600 2022-08 Complementary criteria for lighting design and lighting application with regard to non-visual effects of light More 
VDI 2089 Blatt 1 2023-09 Building services in swimming baths - Indoor pools More