NA 058

DIN Standards Committee Lighting Technology

CEN/TC 169/WG 2
Lighting of work places

In the framework of CEN/TC 169 this working group specifies lighting requirements for most work places and the integral lighting of machines, which meet the needs of visual performance, comfort and safety. Work places include both indoor and outdoor task and activity areas and their associated areas. Recommendations are given for good lighting practice including visual and non-visual (non-image forming) lighting needs. The working group considers visual tasks on work places including Display Screen Equipment. The specified illumination criteria apply to work places lit by daylight, electric lighting or a combination of both. The lighting requirements are not specified in the field of application of Article 153 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union although the lighting requirements usually fulfil safety needs. This working group considers the design, commissioning and operation of lighting installations. This working group does not set lighting specifications for the lighting of underground mining work places or for emergency lighting.

National mirror committee of CEN/TC 169/WG 2

Committee ID Name
Committee ID NA 058-00-04 AA Name Artificial indoor lighting