NA 044

DIN Standards Committee Refrigeration Technology

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 27956
Road vehicles - Securing of cargo in delivery vans - Requirements and test methods (ISO 27956:2009)

Title (German)

Straßenfahrzeuge - Ladungssicherung in Lieferwagen (Kastenwagen) - Anforderungen und Prüfmethoden (ISO 27956:2009)


Character of the standard: test standard. The standard deals in particular with product safety aspects. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 052-01-40-08 AK "Ladungssicherung in PKW" ("Cargo securing in cars") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 052-00-36 AA - vehicle safety  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 22/SC 36 - Safety and impact testing  

Edition 2011-11
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Stephan Krähnert

Behrenstr. 35
10117 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 897842-324

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