NA 054

DIN Standards Committee Plastics

DIN 16966-8 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN 16867 Edition 1982-07 Title Glass fibre reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF) pipes, fittings and joints for use in chemical pipelines; Technical delivery conditions More 
Document number DVS 2220 Edition 2011-05 Title Qualification testing of plastics laminators and adhesive bonders - Laminates as well as laminate and adhesivebonded joints between GFRPs (UP-GF and EP-GF) More 
Document number DIN 16964 Edition 1988-11 Title Wound glass fibre reinforced polyester resins (UP-GF) pipes; general quality requirements and testing More 
Document number DIN 16966-1 Edition 1988-11 Title Glass fibre reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF) pipe fittings and joint assemblies; fittings; general quality requirements and testing More 
Document number DIN 16966-7 Edition 1995-04 Title Pipe joints and their elements of glass fibre reinforced polyester resins - Part 7: Bushings, flanges, flanged and butt joints; general quality requirements and test methods More 
Document number DIN 53769-1 Edition 1988-11 Title Testing of glass fibre reinforced plastics pipes; determination of the longitudinal shear strength of type B pipe fittings More 
Document number DWA-A 780-2 ; TRwS 780-2:2018-05 Edition 2018-05 Title Technische Regel wassergefährdender Stoffe (TRwS) - Oberirdische Rohrleitungen - Teil 2: Rohrleitungen aus glasfaserverstärkten duroplastischen Werkstoffen More 
Document number DWA-A 786 ; TRwS 786:2020-10 Edition 2020-10 Title Technische Regel wassergefährdender Stoffe - Ausführung von Dichtflächen More 
Document number DWA-A 787 ; TRwS 787:2023-09 Edition 2023-09 Title Technische Regel wassergefährdender Stoffe - Abwasseranlagen als Auffangvorrichtungen More 
Document number TÜV-VERBAND MB KUSF 002 Edition 2013-05 Title Prüfung von Kunststofflaminierern und -klebern für Laminate sowie Laminat- und Klebverbindungen aus GFK (UP-GF und EP-GF) More