NA 054

DIN Standards Committee Plastics

DIN 16892 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 16893 2019-10 Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes - Dimensions; Text in German and English More 
DIN 18302 2023-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Special civil engineering works for the development of boreholes More 
DIN 30655-1 2020-12 Installation systems for gas installation inside buildings, consisting of multi-layer composite pipes and their corresponding fittings, for an operating pressure ≤ 100 mbar - Part 1: Requirements and testing; Text in German and English More 
DIN 30655-3 2020-12 Installation systems for gas installation inside buildings, consisting of multi-layer composite pipes and their corresponding fittings, for an operating pressure ≤ 100 mbar - Part 3: Conformity assessment for the use of alternative pipe materials; Text in German and English More 
DIN 85051-1 2022-11 Pressfitting systems for pipes for use in shipbuilding - General requirements and test methods - Part 1: Operating pressures up to 16 bar More 
DIN 16463 2020-11 Determination of influence of chemical fluids on the long-term hydrostatic strength of pressure pipes made of thermoplastics materials More 
DIN 4747 2022-08 District Heating System - Safety equipment of network substations, house substations and consumers installations connected to hot-water district heating networks More 
KRV Kunststoffrohrsysteme, Einbauhinweise 2023-09 Einbauhinweise für Kunststoffrohrsysteme - Druckrohrleitungen - Gas-, Wasser- und Abwasserleitungen außerhalb von Gebäuden More