NA 054

DIN Standards Committee Plastics

CEN/TC 155
Plastics piping systems and ducting systems

Standardization of requirements and test methods for geometrical, chemical, physical and other characteristics of components, joints and systems; - where "Function TC's" exist, standardization of the plastics related requirements and test methods for fitness for purpose of complete systems related to the application shall be done in liaison with these "Function TC's"; in such cases are excluded from the work of CEN/TC 155 those general requirements for fitness for purpose that are independent of the plastics materials; - where "Function TC's" exist, standardization of the plastics related aspects of Codes of Practice and commissioning rules for specified applications shall be done in liaison with these "Function TC's"... (see resolution BT 155/1989).

National mirror committee of CEN/TC 155

Committee ID Name
Committee ID NA 054 BR Name Steering Committee of DIN Standards Committee Plastics