NA 040

DIN Standards Committee Heating and Cooking Equipment

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 15181
Measuring method of the energy consumption of gas fired ovens; German version EN 15181:2017, with CD-ROM

Title (German)

Bestimmung des Energieverbrauchs von Gasbacköfen; Deutsche Fassung EN 15181:2017, mit CD-ROM


This standard specifies the method of test for determining the gas energy consumption in gas-fired domestic ovens when they are being used in one or more oven cooking modes. It applies to the gas-fired domestic ovens which are capable of utilizing gases of group H or group E, possibly after conversion according to instructions for use. This European Standard applies to these gas-fired domestic ovens, whether they are separate appliances or component parts of domestic cooking appliances. This European Standard also applies to domestic appliances that can utilize gas and/or electrical energy to provide heat for cooking when the ovens are utilizing gas energy to provide heat for cooking, but not when electric energy is used to provide any or all of the heat for cooking in the oven. This European Standard is concerned neither with safety nor with overall performance requirements. The revision adapts the standard to implement European Regulation 66/2014 laying down ecodesign requirements for household ovens, hobs and hoods and European Regulation 65/2014 on energy labelling of household ovens and hoods. This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 49 "Gas cooking devices", the secretariat of which is held by UNI. The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 040-02-03 AA "Haushalt-Gaskochgeräte - Deutscher Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 49 Gaskochgeräte" ("Domestic gas cooking appliances - German Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 49 Gas cooking appliances") of Standards Committee Heating and Cooking Equipment (FNH) at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V.

Responsible national committee

NA 040-02-03 AA - Domestic gas cooking appliances - German mirror committee CEN/TC 49 gas cooking appliances  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 49/WG 2 - Energy consumption of domestic gas cooking appliances  

Edition 2017-07
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 151.20 €
Table of contents


Veronique Müller

Amelia-Mary-Earhart-Str. 12
60549 Frankfurt am Main

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