DIN Standards Committee Heating and Cooking Equipment
DIN 18873-10
Methods for measuring of the energy use from equipment for commercial kitchens - Part 10: Ice machines
Methoden zur Bestimmung des Energieverbrauchs von Großküchengeräten - Teil 10: Eismaschinen
This engineering standard is part of a standard series for measuring the energy use of equipment for commercial kitchens. This part contains equipment-specific provisions for determining the water consumption and energy demand for electrical ice machines with a daily output of up to 1 000 kg. A distinction is made between cyclically and continuously producing ice machines. This standard is intended to give the buyers of commercial kitchens the opportunity to select equipment which meets their needs and is cost-effective. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 040-05-02 AA "Großküchengeräte" ("Equipment for commercial kitchens") at DIN.