NA 040

DIN Standards Committee Heating and Cooking Equipment

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Publications of NA 040

Number: 158

DIN 4733 1990-01 Standard Oil fired bath water heaters with vaporizing burners More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 4731 1989-07 Standard Oil-fired heated units with vaporizing burners; requirements, testing, marking More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 30683-2 1984-12 Standard Gas appliances; forced air gasburners with ventilation in bakeries More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 30683-1 1978-05 Standard Gas-appliances with atmospheric gasburners for installations in bakeries and confectioneries More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 8967 1968-01 Standard Baking sheets, baking ovens, refrigerators and freezers for bakeries; main dimensions More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 3368-10 1962-12 Standard Durchlauf- und Gaswassererhitzer für Stadtgas; Ergänzungen für Erdgas More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 18889 1956-11 Standard Coal-fired Water-heater with Storage Boiler, without Pressure for Test Pressure of 1 Atmosphere; Terms employed, Construction, Quality, Capacity and Testing More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 1289 1928-04 Standard Firefront for dutch tiles stoves; filling door for fuelling More  Order from DIN Media