NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN 14461-3
Delivery valve installations for firefighting purposes - Part 3: Fire hose valves for nominal pressure PN 16

Title (German)

Feuerlösch-Schlauchanschlusseinrichtungen - Teil 3: Schlauchanschlussventile PN 16


This standard specifies requirements for hose connection valves used within wall hydrants as a connection to the wall hydrant systems or used as another tapping point of a water system for fire extinguishing according to DIN 14462:
Size 1: for wall hydrants with dimensionally stable hose according to DIN 14461-1 - Type S;
Size 2: for wall hydrants with dimensionally stable hose according to DIN 14461-1 - type F, wall hydrants with flat hose according to DIN 14461-6 or as other tapping point on a fire extinguishing pipe system;
Size 2,5: Special size as tapping point on a fire extinguishing pipe system.
Hose connection valves according to this standard are intended for connection to water systems for fire extinguishing according to DIN 14462. According to DIN 14462 and DIN 1988-600, only size 1 hose connection valves may be connected directly to a drinking water installation if they are equipped with a safety combination according to 5.2.
Requirements and further regulations are contained in DIN 1988-600. Hose connection valves with limit switches (for example, micro limit switches) are used to provide a signal when a valve is actuated. They are used in particular to trigger filling and draining stations in accordance with DIN 14463-1 in "wet/dry" fire extinguishing pipe systems and to control pressure boosting systems in "wet" fire extinguishing pipe systems.
This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 031-03-05 AA "Anlagen zur Löschwasserversorgung einschließlich Wandhydranten - SpA zu CEN/TC 191/WG 9" ("Installations for supply of water for firefighting including hose systems - Mirror committee for CEN/TC 191/WG 9") at DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection (FNFW).

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 031-03-05 AA - Systems to supply water for fire fighting  

Edition 2016-10
Original language German
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Sari Winasis Basuki

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10787 Berlin

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