NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN 14151-3
Rescue cushions - Part 3: Jumping cushion type 16 - Requirements, testing

Title (German)

Sprungrettungsgeräte - Teil 3: Sprungpolster 16 - Anforderungen, Prüfung


Rescue cushions are used by the fire department for rescuing people and do not replace other measures for meeting preventive and defensive fire protection requirements. Jumping cushion type 16 is used to catch free-falling persons and - depending on the conditions of use - can generally be used for a rescue height of approximately 16 m. This requires an operating crew, but not a holding crew. Rescue cushions are divided into: a) rescue cushions that can only be used with a holding crew (jump sheets; no longer recommended for use, DIN 14151-2 has been withdrawn): 1) unsupported jump sheet; 2) supported jump sheet; b) rescue cushions for which an operating crew is required to establish and restore readiness for use (jumping cushion, see this standard DIN 14151-3). Even if the rescue equipment is used as intended, risks of injury to the persons to be rescued cannot be ruled out. According to Clause 11 (Exercises), show jumps and practice jumps with persons are not permitted. The revision of DIN 14151-1:2010-06 and DIN 14151-3:2002-04 had become necessary in order to adapt the technical content to the changed circumstances and to merge the standards. The following significant adaptations were made: - DIN 14151-1 has been integrated into this Part 3 of DIN 14151 with regard to requirements for jumping cushions because jump sheets according to Part 2 of DIN 14151 have been normatively omitted, and requirements for jump sheets from Part 1 have been omitted. - Resistance to oil and fuel has been adapted to the current test standard DIN ISO 1817. - The conformity assessment requirement by an officially recognized testing facility is no longer applicable because its legal basis, the "Administrative Agreement between the States of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Testing and Approval of Fire Extinguishing Agents, Fire Fighting Appliances and Equipment", no longer exists. The responsible committee for this standard is NA 031-04-09 AA "Sonstige Ausrüstung - SpA zu CEN/TC 192/WG 5" ("Other equipment - mirror committee of CEN/TC 192/WG 5") at DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection (FNFW).

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 031-04-09 AA - Other equipment - mirror committee of CEN/TC 192/WG 5  

Edition 2016-08
Original language German
Price from 58.30 €
Table of contents



Michael Behrens

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2340
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