DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection
DIN CEN/TS 16850
; DIN SPEC 14001:2015-12
Societal and Citizen Security - Guidance for managing security in healthcare facilities; German version CEN/TS 16850:2015
Schutz und Sicherheit der Bürger - Leitfaden für das Sicherungsmanagement in Gesundheitseinrichtungen; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 16850:2015
The aim of this Technical Specification (TS) is to provide guidance for managing security in healthcare facilities. This is not a management system standard. The aim of this Technical Specification (TS) provides. It covers the protection of people, critical processes, assets and information against security threats. This Technical Specification applies to hospitals and places that provide healthcare services, such as - but not limited to - psychiatric clinics, homes for the elderly and institutions for the handicapped. It also applies to self-employed practicing healthcare professionals. It does not apply to occupational health and safety and fire safety. This Technical Specification is not a management system standard. However it can be applied as part of a management system, such as with EN ISO 9001. The use of security techniques and technologies in the European Union is subject to various restrictions by regulators and legislators, and it is therefore important to take these restrictions into account. Application of the guidelines may vary depending on the healthcare system in each country of the European Union. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 031-05 FBR "Fachbereichsausschuss Sicherheit und Schutz des Gemeinwesens" ("Steering Committee of the Section Societal Security") at DIN.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 031-05-01 AA - Technical Standards for Societal Security