NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 14096
Fire precaution regulation - Rules for drafting and placarding

Title (German)

Brandschutzordnung - Regeln für das Erstellen und das Aushängen


The fire precaution regulation is a summarizing regulation for the behavior of persons within a building or facility in case of fire and for measures intended to prevent fire. Fire precaution regulation Part A consists of the placard with headword like instructions or indications and complementary graphical safety marks for fire prevention and the behavior in case of fire. Fire precaution regulation Part B (for persons without special tasks of fire prevention and fire fighting) is intended for persons (for example residents, staff) who are not only temporarily in a building. Fire precaution regulation Part C (for persons with special tasks of fire prevention and fire fighting) is intended for persons, to whom over and above their general obligations, special tasks of fire prevention have been assigned (for example fire prevention officers, safety engineers). General information on the fire precaution regulation (placard) are given in informative Annex A of the standard. It also illustrates a model for fire precaution regulation Part A (placard). The standard provides guidance for establishing a fire precaution regulation Part A (placard) according to uniform aspects. Furthermore, DIN 14096 specifies requirements for the afore-mentioned fire precaution regulations Part B and Part C in order to establish fire precaution regulations according to largely uniform and appropriate aspects. The formerly three parts of the standard have been merged. The body responsible for this standard is NA 031-04-02 AA "Bauliche Anlagen und Einrichtungen" ("Constructional facilities equipment") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 031-04-02 AA - Constructional facilities and equipment  

Edition 2014-05
Original language German
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents



Michael Behrens

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2340
Fax: +49 30 2601-42340

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